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May 8,
SBR’s Board of Directors meets on the second
Wednesday of every odd-numbered month
beginning at 6:30 p.m. At this time, the meetings
are held online via Zoom. Member attendance
and participation are encouraged.
Contact SBR
president Steve Doll
to receive the Zoom link for each meeting.
The Porsche Club of America was founded in 1955 to meet the particular needs and interests of the owners of Porsche cars. Our general objectives are to promote the highest standards of courtesy and safety on the roads; the enjoyment and sharing of other events as may be agreeable to the membership; the maintenance of the highest standards of operation and performance of the marque by sharing and exchanging technical and mechanical information; the establishment and maintenance of mutually beneficial relationships with the Porsche WORKS, Porsche dealers, and other service sources to the end that the marque shall prosper and continue to enjoy its unique leadership and position in sports car annals; the exchange of ideas and suggestions with other Porsche Clubs throughout the world and in such cooperation as may be desirable; the establishment of such mutually cooperative relationships with other Sports Car Clubs as may be desirable.
The Santa Barbara Region of Zone 8, Porsche Club of America covers Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. We are a region of more than 800 members plus over 500 affiliate members. We were chartered in June, 1964 and will be celebrating our 60th anniversary in July 2024.
This region exemplifies national PCA’s motto: "It's not just the cars, it's the people." Lasting friendships are the rule, not the exception within our club.
We meet for Cars And Coffee on the first Saturday of every month near Loru's Cafe in the Camarillo Premium Outlets from 8–9:30 a.m., and on the second Saturday each month at Leadbetter Beach near Shoreline Beach Cafe in Santa Barbara, from 8:00–9:30 a.m.
Our region participates in competitive driving events such as autocrosses, driver education, and even a gimmick rally just for fun. We go on numerous exciting drives on back roads throughout Southern California and hold various social events including a chili cook-off, a progressive dinner and our holiday brunch. A highlight every year is SBR’s Concours d’Elegance where Porsches are judged in competition or just placed for display on beautiful grounds for all to enjoy. We also organize several extended weekend trips to places of interest such as Yosemite, Zion and Bryce National Parks. Most of all we offer friendly people driving great cars. We invite you to join us for some fun driving your Porsche with other car enthusiasts.
Check our Calendar for all of our exciting upcoming events.
Membership in the Porsche Club of America is open to anyone 18 years or older who owns or has ordered a Porsche automobile produced by the factory. A limited, six month "Quest" membership is also available for those searching for a Porsche to purchase. Dues are $46 a year, $90 for two years or $132 for three years and includes the monthly PCA Porsche Panorama magazine and our local monthly newsletter, the Der Auspuff.
The easiest way to become a member of the Porsche Club of America is by completing an application online at PCA's website: JOIN NOW
Hard copies are also available by contacting Membership Chairman Sue Kinsling. We hope that you will consider membership in the Porsche Club of America, Santa Barbara Region. You won’t be disappointed!
Personalized SBR Name Badges are available to members by completing and mailing in the following form: PCASBR Name Badges
Our Club’s 60th birthday Gala Brunch at the Santa Barbara Hilton was a huge success. Big thanks to the committee that started working on it over a year ago and the many volun- teers that put it all together. Beautiful table and room decorations. Great to hear the history of the club, meet some longtime members and see the past club history books. John Barrison (goodie store fame) assembled a table about members from the early days he referred to as the dinosaur table. Good work, John.
The day started earlier at the newly remodeled Santa Barbara Porsche where we enjoyed coffee and delicious breakfast treats. It made for a perfect starting point for festivities that kicked off with another scenic drive designed by your Activities Co-chair Lionel Neff. Many of us were disappointed we didn’t win any of the great raffle prizes.
The following Saturday we were greeted at the front door of Mike Malamut’s private Auto Collection by the fragrance of fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies his wife had made. We were joined, thanks to Briggette, by the Mercedes Benz Club and the Ventura Motor Sports Club. Mike took time to speak to us about his early work years and how his passion not just for cars but all things cars-memorabilia. Many of the cars were surrounded by what you might see in that era, in a garage or home. It was very fun. We spent a couple hours checking it all out. If you ever get the chance, go visit and have a cookie or two.
Our Alternative Vehicle Cars and Coffee months are always in August and April. I never fail to enjoy the several other beautiful cars and, recently, an older reconditioned BMW motorcycle and electric skate board.
The Activities Committee continues to amaze with top notch drives and outings. Check out our website or attend our cars and coffee for the latest activities. You can also see a list in this award winning magazine (thank you Dennis Power), but the events fill up quickly. If you have a suggestion for a fun drive, event, or place to go let us know. You could even help plan it!
On a personal car note, a good friend found a clean ’97 911 S2 in ocean blue metallic. After he decided not to buy it, I sold my ’68 911L to make room in my garage. I didn’t know much about 993s because I think I was too busy raising kids during those years. I love the solid feel, the way it drives, and looking at those wide hips. So, while I miss my sort-of-rare early 911L, it’s fun to have one of the last air-cooled Porsches.
Lastly, check out Good Vibes Breakfast Club on Instagram. A friend talked me into going. It’s early on Friday mornings, about 100 miles from Ventura, up Angeles Crest Highway. People arrive early at the closed Newcombs Ranch restaurant. We were driving back by 10 a.m. It’s a fun twisty drive up Big Tujunga canyon and Angeles Crest Highway. Lots of Porsche’s and a variety of other cars.
Enjoy your cars—drive safely.
Steve Doll
September Camarillo Cars & Coffee
At Porsche Santa Barbara
Photo by Gary Krueger
PCA SBR Members, send your PCA and Porsche photos and videos to